Benchmarking and assessing innovation with a standardized, quantitative survey

Get an innovation health check

Involve groups of customers, suppliers, employees and management including critical voices. However, it must be based on data from representative stakeholder groups and not just selective opinions.

The most simple approach, using a small stakeholder group is our ISO 56002-based checkup.

Get a 360-degree view of your innovation capabilities

An innovation assessment is the perfect starting point to invest scarce innovation resources into the most burning issues. A 360-degree view balances growth and profit aspirations across the 3 innovation horizons.

An assessment confirms current innovation strategies, or allows to fill gaps quickly. Critical aspects and capabilities immediately turn into metrics, therefore the assessment serves as a baseline.

Types of innovation and dimensions

Discover new types of innovation that have been neglected so far. For instance, the business model, process and supply chain innovations, and co-creation with your customers.

Likewise, get to know your organization with regards to innovation leadership style and behavior (based on Tom Kelley’s (Ideo) “10 faces of innovation”).

The 10 faces include learning, building and organizing typologies. As in design thinking there is a bias towards action. Author Tom Kelley states: “Innovators focus on the verbs.”. Above all, persona with a positive, constructive mindset are a good start to improve your innovation diversity.

For a summary see click here.

Innovation analytics and benchmark with a software application and database behind

With more than 5’000 organizations in the database we compare and assess your innovation capabilities and organization to a truly global benchmark. Tailored by region, industry, and performance percentiles the Innovation360 InnoSurvey® method provides unprecedented insights because it draws from the world’s most comprehensive database of innovation projects, including internal and external data points, taken in 105 countries.

The survey taken contrasts the view of management, customers, employees, and suppliers. With 16 aspects and 66 capabilities a detailed view of your organization is provided in the Wheel of Innovation.

InnoSurvey® complemented with workshops and interviews is a deep-dive yet it can be performed with in a short timeframe. It is available in 20 of the most-spoken languages, including Arabic, Chinese (Simplified and Complex), Dutch, English, French, German, Italian, Norwegian, Polish, Portuguese, Russian, Spanish, Swedish, Thai, and Turkish. 

To learn more about InnoSurvey™ as an approach to sharpening your innovation strategy, leadership, culture and capabilities book a consultation here:

Innovation Survey / Benchmark

KPI and metrics that matter

In conclusion, from the benchmark results and the innovation framework 5-10 KPI will emerge that reflect the input and output metrics for your business covering all horizons for both incremental and radical innovation.

In other words, assessment metrics and daily metrics on the innovation dashboard stand in a hierarchy but live their own cycles. Click the wheel to check out the assessment on your own.  

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